C. WOERMANN Ghana, Nigeria and Angola participate in training at STIHL headquarters in Germany
- Jun 13, 2017
In addition to refreshing their technical knowledge, participants were introduced to new machines that came out recently and prototypes that are not on the market yet.
Theory is one thing – to work with the machines is something else: Two professional woodworkers not only explained the machines, but also showed participants how to use them properly and taught them tricks and tips for substantially increasing the lifetime and performance of your STIHL machine.
The highlight of the week was using STIHL equipment outside in the forest, to cut wood and grass as well as concrete and steel. Even STIHL professionals were impressed and learned a lot during the training and the team is excited to pass on knowledge to their colleagues and customers! Watch for more info on STIHL equipment coming soon!
The five days of intense training in Germany, as well as future training in Africa and Germany, guarantee that STIHL “made in Germany” know-how will be available for all users in Ghana, Nigeria and Angola!

STIHL training in Waiblingen, Germany.

STIHL training in Waiblingen, Germany.

STIHL training in Waiblingen, Germany.

STIHL training in Waiblingen, Germany.

STIHL training in Waiblingen, Germany.

STIHL training in Waiblingen, Germany.

STIHL training in Waiblingen, Germany.

STIHL training in Waiblingen, Germany.